Page name: UndeadZoo Quiz [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-11-27 05:49:14
Last author: Kbird
Owner: ancienteye
# of watchers: 2
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You are a trainee. Jace walks up to you with a suspiciously evil grin and announces: "We're goin' on a field trip!"

Do you:

A) Grin back and start hopping around thinking up merchandise to bring back or pictures to take.

B) Treat it as a training exercise and do as your told.

C) Run /screaming/.

Yue walks up to you and is chirping about something you've never heard of. She's talking too fast and using too many scientific terms for you to quite get a grasp on what she's saying, but you get the feeling that it's more of a train of thought on her behalf than something actually pertaining to what's going on.

Do you:

A) Ask her to slow down and ask her questions to clarify regularly.

B) Just stand there and nod as if you understand what she's saying.

C) Give an excuse to leave, since it doesn't seem important anyways.

You see Betty heading towards you with a huge smile and it seems she has something behind her back. And she starts waving at you.


A) Turn down another hall way and pretend you didn't notice.

B) Wave back and see what she wants.

C) Run like H***.

D) Stand there frozen in fear.

E) Take a moment to get ready for your date.

Aspen appears out of nowhere to poke fun at your most recent mistake.

Do you:

A) Poke fun back at her until she leaves.

B) Ignore her. She's only doing it because she's bored anyways.

C) Ask her if she has anything /important/ to tell you.

D) Use her for target practice. What? It's not like it'll hurt her.

Luki is humming and smiling at everyone and wanting to know if he can help you in any way...


A) Get an exorcist.

B) Try to kill him.

C) Ask him if he's feeling okay.

D) Run away.

E) Knock him out.

F) Make him do everything. >:D

You fall through a portal and are surrounded by demons.

Do you:

A. Walk up and say hi.

B. Try to run.

C. Try and fight your way through them.

D. Ask them to take you back.

Nova summons you.


B) Take a deep breath and go to see what she wants.

C) Sneak away and hope Aspen doesn't rat you out. >___>

Aspen pops in out of nowhere, but has yet to say anything.

A) "What's wrong?"

B) *suspicious glance* "What are you planning?"

C) "FINALLY! She learned to shut up!"

Okay, District Twelve has been over run by giant Zombie ogre things, and you're stuck there by yourself with no vehicles.


A) Run around screaming for help hoping someone will hear you.

B) Try to fight through the Zombie things.

C) Try to sneak out.

D) Try to find a building with a working radio so you can get help.

E) Destroy building and Zombies.

Fern and Anabell are drunk. Apparently they get along pretty well as long as they aren't sober...

A) ...This is unnatural. :/

B) *sigh* If only we could keep them drunk forever...

C) *hides their guns*

D) *seperates them, then proceeds to give them coffee to sober up*

You need to get your paperwork done. Like, an hour ago. But the twins keep stalling and it's pretty obvious they're up to something.

A) "Finish it. NOW!"

B) Wait patiently. I'm already an hour late, so what's the point in rushing?

C) Get up and attempt to get the work done myself.

D) Sit and chat. Huh? What paperwork?

E) Call Iris. >:)

Will and Dean Blackfire are on the training grounds, obviously competing.

A) Jump in and join the fun!

B) Grab a notebook and keep score.

C) B plus grab a second notebook and start taking bets! >:D

D) Tell the higher-ups.

E) Run before something blows up.

Okay! Jace has been reported missing due to him being gone for a few months.


A) Cry your eyes out.

B) Go to find him yourself.

C) O.o "That can't be I just talked to him!"

D) Check to see where Anabell is.

E) "Why should I care?"

F) Goes to Fern's to kick (or try and kick) some butt!

G) Crap better make sure he hasn't gotten out!!

You've been promoted!

A) Yes! Another rung in the ladder~

B) *turns to rival and flips him/her the bird with a big grin*

C) Yay! =^_^= I can help more people!

D) About time. e____e Now to make some changes around here...

E) Better pay, better hours... I wasn't planning this, but awesome!

F) *bleep* More paperwork. =________________________=

G) *nervous* Um...I kind of liked my old was easy. :/

A creepy hooded figure is watching you from a distance, what do you do?

A. Scream and run away.

B. Stand there and stare at them.

C. Call for some backup and go over to see who/what it is

D. *throw something at them*

E. Do nothing.

Meet your long-lost sibling! :D

A) O_o I have family?

B) Yay! Family! *clings to sibling*

C) e________________________e Another one?

Request Denied.

A) Maybe if I ask the commander he'll change his mind?

B) What the higher-ups don't know won't hurt them...

C) *shrugs* Oh well. We tried.

D) B-but... <img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif>


You've recently been in an incident. It wasn't too bad and there wasn't much of an injury or anything, but it left a pretty interesting scar. Here comes Drake!

A) Oh, *bleep*. *hides*

B) Hey Drake! Lookie! :D

C) *tugs at clothing to kind of hide scar* >____>

D) Continues as if Drake didn't just walk into the room.

Older! Yuki's gone nuts and is acting like battle hyped Luki!

A) Is thankful for having fought against him for so many years and takes him down. ^-^

B) Oh Sh** Time to fill out my Will. TT~~TT

C) Tell him to stop being a idiot before knocking him out. (XP Jace)

D) Yay! He's finally acting like he should!!

E) Subdue him, and only release him as a secret weapon. >:D

F) This is bad how?


Go To:Undead Zoo! Quiz sheet!

Back to: Undead Zoo! Randomness!

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2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Why are you sorry? It was funny-looking."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: hahaha glad you didn't find it stupid or annoy~

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Oh, it's stupid. But still funny." :P

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: Ouch...that hurt a little! XD

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: XD

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: O.O ZOMBIE DEER! *swerves to avoid it* O.O

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "....You could have just rammed through it. It was half-rotted, so it couldn't be that heavy..."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: I've hit Zombie deer before.....they're really scary~!!

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Really? You seem awfully cheerful about it." :P

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: That's cause they're cute too~!

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Is there anything you /don't/ find cute?"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: hmmmmmmm >:O dead children! injured kittens, evil people,

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: *blinks* "...Ok?"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: Snakes, storm clouds, jails, stripes, rats, blood, poverty and werewolves! *the last one is just a joke to make sure she was paying attention*

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Good~ We aren't supposed to be 'cute'."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: Your supposed to be ADORABLE! XD

I found baby Brandon!!1 XD


2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Aw~ XD

Fern: =_____________________________=

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: ^_o

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "That's still a weird look."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: I'm sure you'll get used to it.

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "You intend to be making that expression often?" XD

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: only when driving and sleeping!

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Well, I hope you'll be sleeping more often."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: I sleep enough

Be back

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Ok. :/

Fern: "If you say so..."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: what about you do you sleep enough

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "More than you do."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: ……………………………touche~

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: *rolls eyes*

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: town!

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Is this the one with the kid you were talking about?"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: yep,yep!

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "So how do we find him?"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: he gave me this collar, it still has his scent so I just have to sniff him out.

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Collar? Is he another werecreature, then?"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: no....I actually don't know what he is...oh but he has black hair darker skin and really green eyes!

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "You can't /smell/ what he is?"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: nope...he's...odd.

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "And you're sure we can trust him?"

Who is this guy?

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: yes!!

Little Edgar

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: O.O Isn't he Nova's person, though?

Fern: "And you've known him how long?"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Yes~

Graham: I saved his life, and...umm..well I know he's tough and will be a good ally.

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "If he's willing to be an ally."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: *pulls the car over* I don't see why he wouldn't

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: *sighs* "Might as well meet him..."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Mark: town?

Koby: *yawns as he stratchs and hits Boyd*

Boyd: ow!

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Wakey, wakey, brothers. We have someone to find~"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Mark: oh?

Koby: male or female? :/

Boyd: wh-who?

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Male. Kitty's got a collar with his scent on it."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Koby: -_- oh..okay...*sniffs graham's collar*

Mark: you let..someone put a collar on you?

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Yeah...Why did you do that?" :/

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: he wanted to was all he had. Normally I wouldn't have accepted.

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Ok.... Can you pick up a trail? Or are we going to have to wander around a little?"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: *sniffs * I...think we'll have wander around, oh don't forget the kittens Koby!

Koby: *groans as he get the box out*

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Oh, I almost forgot about them..."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: *gasp* how could you?!

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "They were quiet!"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: *looks in the boxes freaking out thinking they might be dead* whoooo~ they're just sleeping~

Koby: kitty freaked XD

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: *rolls eyes* "Well? Let's get to searching!"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Boys: right!

Graham: he said he lived down town.

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Then that's our starting point."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Boys: *start walking*

Boyd: whats are time limitto find him?

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "I'm not even sure what we're going to do when we do find him..."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: he doesn't trust humans, so we start with offering him the apartunity to take them down

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "That's a good start. If we can trust him."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: we can! XO

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: *ignoring Graham* "Let's get started."

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: nodds.

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: *starts heading downtown*

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: hmm I smell him..he was around here recently

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Which way did he go?"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: *sniffs* east.

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Right." *starts heading east*

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: oh he spent a lot of time in this building. *stops in front of a crumbling building, it looked ready to claps at any minute*

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Why? It could have fallen right on top of him!"

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Graham: hmmm....I don't know...he said he had parents but I don't think that's the case.

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: Wow big cat...second always purple with me~

Graham: maybe.....or he know they aren't around and was lying for some reason....

2013-09-22 [ancienteye]:
Read the last set of comments. XP

Fern: "It still wouldn't explain why he'd spend so much time in there... We might as well look inside."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: You mean the "at least my prince remembered me?" XD

Graham: *nods as he heads in side* hey it actually looks a lot stronger in here...he covered everything in metal....

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: XD Sassy princesses~

Fern: "Do you think it was to reinforce it without giving the place an appearance of being worth raiding?"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Graham: possible.

Voice: I don't know you~

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Who's there?"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Voice: I want to know the same~

Graham: that's not kids voice....

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]:

Fern: "We're looking for someone. Has anyone else been in here?"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Lol nice~ oh I had my first Peach bun yesterday!!

Voice: yes...but he went with master...

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: XP Nice!

Fern: *narrows eyes* "What master?"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Hehehe the kick his a** on reminded me of Aspen

Graham: *glaring around the room to try and find the voice*

Voice: we willingly serve don't worry~

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: XD

Fern: "Willingly serve who?"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Voice: hehehe I can't say~

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Then we've hit a dead end."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Voice: bye, bye~

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: *leaves building*

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Mark: *carrying Boyd who passed out*

Koby: That was....different.

Graham: V_V I'm sorry...I really didn't expect that.

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "None of us did. We didn't even know the kid's name, anyways."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Graham: >:/ I don't like that it said Master

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "It seems to imply that there's something going on...A sort of organized system..."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Graham: pffft whenever there is a master slave wont stay organized

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Slavery has been around for a long time, kitty. You'd be surprised how well-thought-out such systems tend to be."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Graham: yeah but all it takes is a drive or some courage and slave will be able to find a weakness.

Mark: that seems kinda naïve....

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Actually, it would take several slaves if the system is well-constructed enough. Plus a few outsiders. That's what the Underground Railroad was."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Graham: *sigh* Point is...Slaves are bad things to have...don't try it at home kids~

Mark: Are you still talking to us?


2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "You sound like a TV special." *scoffs*

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Graham: TT~TT I being a good rule model

Koby: well don't it's creepy

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "So what do we do, now?"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Koby: give away these cats

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Ok...But to who? We don't know anyone here and I doubt kitty would be happy with just leaving them on a random doorstep."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Mark: aaaannnddd there's are answer~ * points to a girl crying in fron of a pet store*

Girls mother: Sweetie they're to expansive.

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Hey! We found a box of kittens in the forest. You can have them, if you want."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Girl: Huh? Really?!! =D

Mother: wh-what if they're infected?

Graham: No, ma'am. This kittens are very lucky and playful~ Not one infected spot on them~ .....*sigh* b-but if I guess we could try to find them a home somewhere else...we don't really have the money..but.. we've gotta try right. ^-^'

Mother: O.O ........^-^ Oh my...I-I'll take them.

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Great!" :D "I'm sure they're hungry by now."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Girl: *happily takes the box* aww they're soooo cute!

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: ^-^

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Koby: *whisper* Let's go before they realize there being scammed.

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: e____e "They aren't. She wanted a pet, now she's got kittens. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Koby: yeah...but they have to pay- *gets cut of by child*

Girl: thank very much!

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "They're not paying a dime." *stern look at Koby*

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Koby: cat food litter...yay they're paying.....

Mother: thank you have to be leaving you need a ride home?

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "No thank you, ma'am."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Mother: oh...alright..but the government agents want all kids inside their house in fifteen minutes.

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Thank you for reminding us~"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Mother: your welcome~*walks away with girl*

Mark: its like...three why would kids have to go inside?!

Graham: I don't think its just kids...look, everyone is heading towards their homes.

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Something's wrong, here. What is going on?"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Koby: I don't smell any undead, so it can't be because of a attack....

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Is this a new thing, or a daily occurance..... Perhaps the government is searching for something."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Agent: hey! you kids need to get inside.

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Actually, officer, we're just passing through. Is this a regular thing?"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Agent: "No....where you kids heading without an adult?

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Our dad's car kind of broke down, so he got some parts and stuff to fix it. We...kind of decided to explore while he was busy..."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Agent: you need help getting back?

Koby: No thabks, is not to, aren't supposed to talk to strangers... :/

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Thank you for offering, though."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Agent: what's one with that one. *nods to the still unconscious Boyd*

Mark: Oh he had a lil fright ealier he'll be fine!

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "He scares easy."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Agent: Okay.....

Graham: We should get going before uncle worries to much!!

Koby: Right, dad'll kill us! *starts heading down the street.

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: *follows after Koby*

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Koby: *after they're away* Don't call us relatives again cat, got it?

Graham: >:3 I'll think about.

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "It fit well enough to fool the officer. Besides, how else would we explain him in this form?"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Koby: Humph! I still don't like, plus he scares Body!

Graham: O.O <:0 I do?

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Everything scares Boyd."

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Mark: If he was a groundhog we'd always have six more weeks of winter, =____=

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: XD "That's cruel~"

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: Mark: it's true though.

Boyd: *had woken up to her the insult* I'm not a scaredy cat!! >:0

2013-09-23 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Just keep moving, Boyd. We need to get out of here. Whatever's happening, we don't need to get in the way..."

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Boyd: uhh right...*fallows them

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Fern: *gets to the car*

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Graham: so...where to next?

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Fern: "I...don't know. But we have to leave here. That's for sure."

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Graham: okay pile in guess we'll figure it out on the way.

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Fern: *gets in front passenger seat*

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Everyone: * climbs in*

Graham: *buckling in before looking in the rearveiw mirror* wh-what is that.

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Fern: *twists in her seat to look out the rear window*

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: *can she a large black armered van (almost like a army tank without the gun) drive through the town*

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Fern: "It's bad news. Drive. Now."

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Graham: *starts driving* ha have you ever seen that before...?

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Once. I don't know what it's for, but it means lots of soldiers."

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Graham: my dislike list..

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Fern: "It's on my 'Time to get the h*ll out of here.' list and has been for a while, now. If that thing's going around, then there's something bad going on. They're waging war on something in that town."

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Graham: bu-but I didn't smell anything...

Mark: ...could it be transporting something?

Koby: does it matter? We're getting the h*** away and its staying there, that's all I need to know.

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Koby's right. We can't concern ourselves with anything but getting away right now."

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Boyd: wow...koby was right?!

Koby: wow how'd Boyd get that bruise?!

Graham: hey don't make me turn around!

Koby: O.O *lowers fist* Fern? He wouldn't do that..right?

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Fern: "No. But I'll just kick you out and let you catch up with us on your own~"

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Koby: O.O.....I'll behave

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Good idea."

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Hmmm should we stop with this?

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: I can't think of anything else to add. :P It probably took years for Graham and Fern to be as close as they are.

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Yeah. XD

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: That so funny~ XD

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: XD

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Poor Woston he wasn't a idiot..

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: XP He made a very in-depth and philosophical conclusion. He just completely missed the point of what Sherlock was asking. XD

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Okay now I want to make a character who's a deep thinker but misses the obvious......I guess Danny is kinda like I need I worse then Danny

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Worse than Yue? :P

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Lol with Yue its mainly because she's a naive alien.

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: She grew up on Earth! XD She's just naive. And a hermit in that lab. :P

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Exactly! I want someone who isn't a hermit like Yue or Danny!

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: XP Ok. So social, but naive.

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Yes~

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Isn't Falona like that?

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: No Falonas more loud and hyper..slightly naive..and clumsy....not always the brightest bulb in the box either

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: Oh. XP So not a deep thinker.

2013-09-24 [Kbird]: No lol

2013-09-24 [ancienteye]: XD So a different character, definitely... Would Yeva be one?


2013-09-24 [Kbird]: Maybe.....

Night. :(

2014-04-30 [ancienteye]: Attention Crimson! You are now involved in this thread!

2015-08-25 [Kbird]: you always find awesome pictures.

2015-08-28 [ancienteye]: *proud grin*

2015-09-02 [ancienteye]: I think these pants:


and this top:


would go well together.

2016-07-31 [Kbird]: That would be cute.

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: Omaigawsh it is, I totally forgot that outfit but now I want to force one of my characters to wear it.

2016-08-04 [Kbird]: XD but who? ...I don't really think it's Fern's style..

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: I want to say Yue....but her hair would clash with those pants. :/

2016-08-04 [Kbird]: very true..

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: *nods sagely*

2016-08-04 [Kbird]: what about Aspen?

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: Post ghost Aspen might...

During her original life, though, she wouldn't have.

2016-08-04 [Kbird]: Here style changed after she died?

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: She lived in New York before she died.

She was gray after she died.

She is determined to wear colors once revived.

2016-08-04 [Kbird]: XD understandable.

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